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Callistajade's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Callistajade's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I agree with Danielle because earthquakes can make tsunamis and landslides and that can do a lot of damage.

0 points

I have to disagree with you Andrew because even though volcanoes can cause deaths to occur, as you said in the second sentence, so can earthquakes. Also , earthquakes can happen anywhere, volcanoes have limited areas of being spotted.

3 points

In my opinion, earthquakes are a lot more dangerous than volcanoes. One reason I believe this is because you can predict volcanoes, but it’s very difficult to predict earthquakes. This website; states , ¨Building can be damaged by the shaking itself or by the ground beneath them settling to a different level than it was before the earthquake.¨From that information you can tell that there are more than 1 way that earthquakes can be destructive towards buildings.¨Earthquakes can cause dam walls to crack and eventually collaspem sending raging waters into surrounding areas and causing severe flooding¨ from this website ; . This is another way that earthquakes can be hazardous to the earth.

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